Control your tasks

The control of tasks has never been easier

Do you assign tasks to your employees and then need to check their status? FLOWii can notify you when a task is completed. It allows you to add a comment or return the task without you having to open your e-mail or making a call.


Teamwork goes smoother than ever

You can divide each task to more activities, assign it to a responsible person and set a deadline. This is the only thing you need to handle. You can define each activity of the task according to your company’s needs.


Communicate more efficiently

You assign a new task to your employee but you need to know when he finishes the task?… FLOWii always reminds you when the task is completed! It lets you to add a comment or send the task back.

Time management

Now you know how long will it take to finish a task

How much time did it take for your employees to finish a tasks? Just start the task and FLOWii will measure the time for you.

Task templates

You can add frequently repeated tasks by only one click

Do you repeat some tasks too often and they require a precise procedure? You can add them by one click with the help of FLOWii’s task templates, now you can be sure you won’t forget a thing.

Connect your orders

Everything is connected

Connect your order with your tasks and control everything from one place.

Cooperation with FLOWii

You can manage your business in a more comprehensive way

Tasks work together with every other tool FLOWii has. Get a more comprehensive overview by assigning your tasks to your orders, partners or business cases.

Chat in tasks

Chat with colleagues

Chat in tasks will speed up communication with your colleagues. Replace e-mails with simple communication directly in FLOWii and directly in a specific task. Thanks to smart notifications, you won't miss any important message!

Be up-to-date with the processes in your company

What progress has been made with the scheduled tasks? Which tasks belongs to whom? Is everyone meeting their deadlines?

You do not need to ask these questions anymore. With FLOWii Tasks you have all these informations in one place.

Everyone has clarity over their tasks

Every employee has his duties arranged. They do not need to have everything in their mind.

With FLOWii everyone can see their terms clearly on the home screen or in their calendar. Even on your phone.

See your employees activities

With FLOWii you can see what your employees were working on last week or month very simply through your customized filters. You can also export any task to Excel by just one click.


We grow thanks to our references

Milan Paprčka" Thanks to FLOWii, we managed to automate many small processes. Which saved us a lot of time. "

Milan Paprčka

CBS spol, s.r.o.

Number of employees: 120

Revenues: 2,6 mil. €

Juraj Koudela" We were looking for a system on which our whole team can rely on, and which has an easy implementation. "

Juraj Koudela

Vydavateľstvo Absynt, s.r.o.

Number of employees: 2

Revenues: 386 ths. €

Juraj Krč" FLOWii is great not only in management but also in having order and clarity of all of our finances and activities in the company. "

Juraj Krč

ARCHSTYL s. r. o.

Number of employees: 4

Revenue: 944 ths. €


Free for every license

FLOWii is an easy to use app full of solutions for your business. For every license, you get customer service, online consultation and regular updates for free.

Regular updates

We regularly update FLOWii functionality. A lot of the news comes from suggestions from our customers.

We’re happy to help

Advice, reminder or question? We are here for you every working day from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Free online consultation

First training completely for FREE. We give you assistance in setting up the software for your company’s needs.

We are here to help

Change your workbook for a transparent software

Start with FLOWii tasks today! First 30 Days completely for FREE

after that € 7 / month

You can find more information about the Tasks in our pricing.


FLOWii Tasks in short

Why are Tasks a component of FLOWii?

It is hard to plan and control your company’s development and progress simply, when there are multiple tasks and employees. However, a company cannot operate efficiently without the planning of tasks and deadlines and this is where FLOWii tasks come in hand.

How do FLOWii tasks work?

The Tasks online application allows the entrepreneurs to simply plan and organize tasks of individual employees, and also of the company as a whole. With FLOWii tasks, you simply arrange the processes in the company and get an up-to-date overview of the company. Who is responsible for a particular task, which task is a top priority? When you know the right answer for these questions, you can speed up the information transmission in your company and moreover, you can reduce the number of internal calls and e-mails.

Why are FLOWii tasks unique?

The Tasks are easy to use and also include a bunch of useful features. Automatic reminders, interconnection with the calendar, possibility of checking tasks, time tracking and even more. You can even export tasks and get a complete overview of the tasks of a department, employee or a customer. You can use the Tasks separately for an efficient organization of your company’s activities or link it to the CRM system or the Order management, to manage business or customer projects.